We make your

ideas succeed

We assess an idea for feasibility, identify the shortcomings and work hard to solve them. We like to deliver tangible progress, rather than reports or lengthy meetings.

We work business case driven, whether this is your goal or not, socially driven initiatives also need a healthy economic basis. In concrete terms, this means that we set up a business case based on assumptions as quickly as possible. We then look at which assumptions can make or break the business case.

We then research these assumptions, verify them in practice and substantiate them. Based on the results, we will discuss with you whether it is wise to continue developing the idea and how best to do this.

Sounds simple and it is, the world of startups is complex enough. Our simple approach allows us to focus and achieve results quickly. We have a no-nonsense attitude and this is clearly reflected in our approach: pragmatic and result-oriented.

Gerben Jaspers

From an early age I have liked to realize physical things and enjoy being in the great outdoors with the fresh wind in my hair. Later I had part-time jobs in technology, such as maintenance in chip factories.

After my school days I gained a lot of experience as a project engineer in the recycling and food sector and also in heavy transport. Where, as a project manager, I realized things that I had previously thought impossible. Working with a motivated team with a no-nonsense mentality is fantastic.

My passion is to always build something with the ultimate goal in mind, something that you can later be proud of for what you have achieved together. You can call me day and night for that.

Marko Pralica

Raised in an entrepreneurial family surrounded by metal shavings, technology and entrepreneurship are in my blood. My practical experience ranges from the workbench to large multidisciplinary engineering and innovation projects and everything in between.

I enjoy working with passionate people on ideas that contribute to our society. I do that in a result-oriented way and without nonsense. Do you have an innovative challenge that I can tackle?

To work? Please contact us!

Make an appointment with us without obligation to see how we can unburden you.